Cake-with-water: Favorite childhood food memory #1

Growing up on a farm in southern Minnesota in the 1950s and 1960s, a favorite sweet treats was warm chocolate cake with Vanilla Butter Sauce. We called this dessert “cake-with-water.”  Mom made the chocolate cake from a recipe she knew by heart.  It was a dense cake, and maybe even a bit dry.  But it worked just fine as the base for a substantial amount of the sauce.  Here’s that recipe:

Vanilla Butter Sauce

In a sauce pan, melt 1/2 cup butter over medium heat.

Add 1/3 cup sugar and 3 Tablespoons cornstarch.  Stir well.

Add 1-1/2 cup water and 1 Tablespoon vanilla.

Cook, stirring occasionally, until sauce comes to a full boil.  Boil for 1 minute.

Place pieces of chocolate cake in shallow bowls.  Pour sauce over the cake and serve immediately.  [Because the sauce is thickened with cornstarch, it does not “hold” well, so eat it all right away!]